
Let's Get Busy! 2011 Spring Planning Workshops

Back in January, 2005, some concerned folks from the Mt. Scott-Arleta Neighborhood hunkered down, stuck their spoons into steaming bowls of chili, picked up their magic markers, and began dreaming about transforming a grassy space in the middle of an intersection into something beautiful, iconic even, that would inspire neighbors to come together, promote a positive image of the neighborhood to visitors, and promote pedestrian safety by encouraging traffic to slow down.

In the years since, much has happened on the Arleta Triangle Project. We have many opportunities looming on the the horizon, and we hope you'll join us these last days of winter by participating in a series of visioning meetings about the future of the project--for this building year and in the long-term.

We'll be meeting the last Saturday of the next few months at Mt. Scott Nutrition Central 5427 SE 72nd at Harold, at 10AM-11:30 on the following dates (coffee and pastries provided, but feel free to bring something to share):

Saturday, January 29th
Saturday, February 26th
Saturday, March 26th

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