
Arleta Triangle Project Timeline

I thought it might be cool to show how far we've come since VBC05...



Wednesday, June 2, 7PM: Community (re)Visioning and Planning Meeting (Mt. Scott Community Center)

Friday, June 4, 9AM-1PM Foundation and flooring

Saturday, June 5, 10AM-4PM Framing, doors, and walls

Sunday, June 6, 10 AM-2PM Roofing and finish work

Sunday, 2PM: Potluck lunch and pie social (you bring the dish to share, we'll have the pie and ice cream on hand...)

Lunch is provided each day. We finally have a builder for Friday (thanks Joshua Klyber) but we're still looking for lead builders for Saturday and Sunday. If you know someone who might be interested, please pass this note along or invite them to our group...


Mother's Day Work Party 10AM-2PM

Let's celebrate our mothers by taking care of the best mother of all--Mother Earth. We're getting ready for the upcoming Village Building Convergence at the end of May/ beginning of June.

Make mom breakfast in bed and then come on by to help us spread some gravel on the rest of the plaza, spread some mulch around the site and generally tidy up so we can move forward with our plans for the VBC. We're hoping to plant some leftovers from the Mother's Day Plant Sale across the street at the Tremont Church on Saturday, so bring rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows.

We'll have some goodies on site (pastries, juice, and coffee) but if you wanted to bring a brunch dish to share, that would be great, too.

And if you can't volunteer, stop by to say!


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