
Village Building Convergence 2011 Schedule


With the help of the folks from Portland's Bureau of Transportation and The Mt. Scott-Arleta Neighborhood Association, we'll be moving forward with some very exciting projects on site during this year's Village Building Convergence. Here are the exciting events we've got planned:

Sat 5/28, 9AM
Weed and Seed: tidying landscape, trellis building, and installing native, drought tolerant plants to minimize site maintenance. we’ll even tidy up the compost bin please bring garden tools

Sat 5/28 and Sun 5/29, 9AM (both days) “Communished” Kiosk Building: construction savvy helpers encouraged to RSVP. Please bring rechargeable power tools, levels, measuring tapes and other builderly stuff

Tues 5/31 and Thurs 6/1, 9AM Cob Wall Repair: intensive repair of five-year old wall. this will be a valuable learning experience for both new and veteran cob builders.

Thurs 6/2, 5-7 PM Post Work-Party Happy Hour (Lion’s Eye Tavern, 5919 SE 82nd Ave)

Fri 6/3, Overflow Day (TBD)... please check back to see if/when we'll be working...

Sat 6/4, 9AM Tie up loose ends day... Us run over schedule? Never! But just in case, we’ll set this day aside for putting any necessary finishing touches on the cob wall repairs and final flourishes on The Communished (i.e. the eco-roof)

Sun 6/5, 11AM-1PM Pie-in-the-Sky Bruncheon and End of VBC Awards Ceremony: what better way to wrap up two weeks of delightful community building than with a pie party? bring your favorite pie(s), large or small, sweet or savory, to share and sample with friends and neighbors. wear your pork pie hat for our group photo and cheer on your friends and neighbors as they accept awards like “Dirtiest VBC Volunteer” and “Tastiest Peace of Pie”

We will have a limited supply of work gloves on hand for your use. Please label any tools you bring on site. There will be coffee and drinking water available. Lunch provided at noon on all work party days (except Sunday). We ask that you please bring your own reusable cups, dinnerware and utensils and cart out your own trash. Please let us know in advance if you need childcare and we will do our best to accommodate. Also, if you have five gallon buckets, bring them--we can never have too many!

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